Mermaid Quay is currently undergoing extensive public realm works. These works include a new landscaped public space, paving, lighting, landscaping, signage, wayfinding, entrance markers and street furniture.
As a part of this redevelopment, we saw the introduction of new planters to the scheme. Not wanting the planters currently on site to go to waste we reached out to Mount Stuart Primary School to see whether they could benefit from them.
Excitingly, Mount Stuart Primary School were delighted to receive the planters and with the help of Mitie, the landscaping contractors at Mermaid Quay we were able to transport them to their new home.
Mermaid Quay is proud to have a close relationship with Mount Stuart, working closely with them for a number of years.
Other recent projects have included Mermaid Quay staff helping with gardening projects, the donation of a greenhouse for their playground and a safety talk and competition around construction in partnership with EnCon.
The opportunity to donate and reuse the planters to transform the school playground was not to be missed.